Small School Community.
Big Opportunities.
CES Title I
Message to Parents and Caregivers:
Title I is a federally-funded program that supports literacy, math and other academic initiatives. Each September, Clarksville Elementary School holds an annual meeting to review our Title I plan, parent policies and compact. Parents, teachers and staff take time to review and revise the Title I documents seen below. Our goal as a school is to have 100% parent participation. Please take time to read the parent involvement policy, so that you are aware of the programming we provide with our Title I funding. Also, please take a moment to review the parent pledge on the Title I parent compact. This pledge does not need to be printed and returned. Please follow the links below to all Title I documents.
Title I concerns can be addressed to the building Principal. Please contact the Principal at 812-282-1447.
Clarksville Community School Corporation
Administrative Offices • 502 Little League Boulevard • Clarksville, IN 47129
Phone: (812)-282-7753 • Fax: (812)-282-7754 • Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
© 2015 Clarksville Community School Corporation. All rights Reserved.